I totally agree. LCN's here in the UK and in Australia is central to ordinary users experience of DVB (aka Freeview here in the UK). At present we use scan commands -u switch to generate the LCN data. Having vdr handle this form  of channel numbering internally would seem to be the better option but a plugin would be the next best option.

On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 1:18 AM, Malcolm Caldwell <malcolm.caldwell@cdu.edu.au> wrote:
On Mon, 2008-10-06 at 11:11 +0200, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> On 10/06/08 11:06, Laz wrote:
> > On Monday 06 Oct 2008, Frank Scherthan wrote:
> >> Laz schrieb:
> >>> On Sunday 05 Oct 2008, Gavin Hamill wrote:
> >>>> On Sun, 2008-10-05 at 15:10 +0100, Dave P wrote:
> >>> On another Freeview specific note, I'd love to have my channels
> >>> renumbered to their "proper" Freeview numbers. At the moment, I have
> >>> to go through and move them about by hand every time something
> >>> changes! I don't think there is currently any support for assigning
> >>> channels a specific number within vdr (probably not much point with
> >>> gazillions of satellite channels but more useful with the handful of
> >>> terrestrial Freeview ones in the UK).
> >> man 5 vdr:
> >> A group delimiter can also be used to just set the next channel's
> >> number, without an explicit delimiter text, as in
> >>
> >>        :@201
> >
> > That's what I mean by "doing it by hand"! My channels.conf is littered
> > with those!
> >
> > ;)
> >
> > Would be nice if each channel entry had a field for channel number
> > instead, especially when they helpfully decide to move a channel!
> >
> > It's also the way "real" set-top boxes do it. I think "scan" can output
> > the channel numbers to a vdr-readable channels.conf but I think that just
> > puts in a :@1, :@2, :@3, etc. every other line. Just doesn't seem neat to
> > me, especially as the channel numbers are broadcast.
> >
> > I did start looking at this a while back but never got very far: might
> > have another go...
> I don't think it makes any sense to put actual channel numbers into
> each channel's line in channels.conf. For one, what if different
> providers want to use the same channel numbers? And: what if channels
> are moved around, inserted or deleted?

It might not make sense in your environment.

In the UK and here in Australia there are fixed, advertised channel

It makes sense if something is advertised as being on channel 20, then
pressing '2' and then '0' should tune to that channel.  "Makes sense"
means that "I can describe it to my wife".

> The channel numbers are implicitly derived from the position of each
> channel in the channels.conf file. Offsets can be suggested with :@nnn
> lines, but are only hints and may be ignored if there are too many
> channels before them to actually implement the desired numbers.

Maybe I should try to explain this to my wife instead?

> Klaus
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