I totall support your feature request.


> Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 20:06:35 +0300
> From: pasi.juppo@iki.fi
> To: vdr@linuxtv.org
> Subject: [vdr] Feature requests
> Hi,
> There are couple of annoying problems in vdr (v1.4.4 at least but most
> likely also in never ones):
> 1) If there is data stream problems in a channel VDR initiates emergency
> exit. This can be a temporary situation and gets fixed in few seconds to
> minutes.
> To solve this: change to other channel and infor user via OSD ("Channel
> not available" or something similar)
> 2) If there is no data comming from the channel (e.g. new decrypting
> card that needs to be updated first before it is ready to be used or for
> some reason the key is not available) VDR initiates emergency exit.
> Unnecessary action and user can do shutdown action if this is really a
> problem.
> To solve this: do not initiate emergency exit but show message in OSD
> ("Channel not available").
> Basically every unnecessary exit should be avoided because it does not
> provide any advantage to the user - just the opposite. Problems should
> be informed to the user and let user decide what to do in case of long
> lasting problem such as missing data stream.
> Minor feature that would be nice:
> 3) If there is a problem like crash with VDR and a timed recording did
> not get recorded VDR simply deletes the timer without notifying user. Of
> course the timer as such is useless but it would be nice to see that
> this and this recording was not done at all, was not started in time or
> was not recorded fully. This way the program can be re-recorded if/when
> it is broadcasted again.
> And if this information can be asked from VDR then epgsearch or other
> plugins can try to find missed programs again automatically.
> Br, Pasi
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