Hi again Rolf,
I took a look at vdr-femon-1.0.0 files and its readme, and femon plugin page at VDR wiki, but I didn't find anything pointing to svdrp implementation.
Where did you find this information that femon plugin has svdrp support?
Sincerely yours.
On 5/14/06, jik jikman <jikjikman@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Rolf,
Excuse me, My femon plugin was old, and I didn't know anything about new version of femon plug in.
With the best wishes.
John Anderson.

On 5/13/06, Rolf Ahrenberg <rahrenbe@cc.hut.fi > wrote:
On Sat, 13 May 2006, jik jikman wrote:

> Could somebody add svdrp support to femon plugin?

Femon plugin has supported the SVDRP interface nearly 9 months.

> I mean it is very nice to have, for example, STAT FE in svdrp commands to
> report frontends status.
> It would be very nice feature and could be used to record a log of frontends
> status in a pc client.

plug femon name
900 Zarlink MT352 DVB-T on device #1
plug femon stat
plug femon sgnl
900 EE7F (93%) on device #1
plug femon snra
900 D3D3 (82%) on device #1
plug femon bera
900 00000000 on device #1
plug femon uncb
900 00000000 on device #1
plug femon open
900 Opening femon plugin
plug femon vibr
900 4.31 Mbit/s on device #1
plug femon aubr
900 238 kbit/s on device #1
plug femon quit
900 Closing femon plugin

If you want some additional commands, just email your requests to the


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