On 2/1/07, Patrick Mackin <patrick.mackin@bakervaluation.com> wrote:
I too would like this feature, but if you are using yaepg as many are, it
seems like that is a feature the plugin should provide, not vdr.

It makes absolutely no sense for a reminder feature to be done via plugin.  This is a very common and basic feature offered in most dvb-c and dvb-s receivers.  Honestly, I was surprised to find out vdr didn't already have it implemented because it -is- such a basic function.  Logically I don't see it anywhere else other than the core code.  I'm not sure why you mention yaepg as that's just an alternate means to view guide data.  Yaepg has nothing to do with timer functionality or reminders.  Maybe you could elaborate more on how you came to your opinion on this?

It was suggested before that people can just set their timers to record for 0 or 1 minute (forgot which it was) so that it doesn't waste harddisk space but this is a terrible solution as it still creates unneeded/unwanted files and directories that you would have to go clean up.  There's simply no reason for that.
