Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by 261d?  If you're referring to the mpg codec used, I'm just using mpeg2enc.

I've just changed from mp3-0.9.12 to mp3.0.9.13 and it's the same

It looks like the first image loaded is fine (whether cached or not) but as soon as there's a new image to display, it pixel-ates.  Maybe something to do with when the plugin passes the mpeg image????

On Mon, 2005-10-03 at 10:11 +0000, Stefan Huelswitt wrote:
On 03 Oct 2005 Simon Baxter <> wrote:

> -as soon as the 2nd track plays, the new image becomes pixelated (see
> attached)

Does this depends on the firmware version you use?
e.g. does it change if you go back to 261d?

The mp3 plugin doesn't do any processing to the image. It's
passed unchanged to the driver.
