Hi All,

I recently upgraded my VDR box to OpenSuSE 10RC1 and I have two FF and one Nova. On my old system I had VDSB errors with the new box, I don't.

So I'd give it a GO

vdr-bounces@linuxtv.org wrote on 04.10.2005 22:02:02:

> Carsten Koch wrote:
> > Ludwig Nussel wrote:
> > >Carsten Koch wrote:
> > ...
> > >>How about the VDSB problem with kernel 2.6.13?
> > >>That applies to the SuSE kernel as well, right?
> > >
> > >
> > >I'm not familiar with the background of that problem but recording
> > >worked fine on 10.0 so far.
> >
> > Ludwig, see the thread "VDSB with Kernel 2.6.13" by Stephan Schreiber.
> > Stephan wrote:
> > > I have got one FF card plus 3 Nova CI Budget Cards, usually using the
> > latest
> > > driver, firmware and VDR versions.
> > > After having upgraded to Kernel 2.6.13, I get the dreaded "Video Data
> > Stream
> > > Broken" error as soon as a recording starts.
> > [...]
> > I have a very similar configuration to Stephan's, so I guess I should
> > not upgrade to SuSE 10.0, right?
> I really can't tell as I don't have any Novas to test. You could do
> a minimal install in a second partition to check. If there is a
> problem please report it in bugzilla.
> cu
> Ludwig
> --
> (o_  Ludwig.Nussel@gmx.de
> //\
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