
Thanks for the tip. I checked and  happened to be using 50Hz already. But anyway it think I found the root cause of the problems. I had quite high CPU load (~80-85%), which was a bit odd considering the cpu I have (AMD 3400+). I turned out that my xorg.conf contained a small mistake; NvAGP was set to "1" although I had AGPGART loaded. Therefore AGP seemed to be disabled totally. I changed NvAGP to "3" and load dropped to approx. 30% and for now the video playback problems are history :)
XvMC doesn't work for me either, it's a bit unstable for some reason. At least it causes Xine crashes in channel changes etc.

2006/5/13, Seppo Ingalsuo <seppo.ingalsuo@iki.fi>:

Mika Orajärvi wrote:

> The video stutters occasionally, especially with high motion video
> e.g. icehockey and football.
Have you tried 50 Hz display mode? I got improvement with moving content
when changing from 60 Hz VGA LCD panel native resolution to 50 Hz 720p
HDMI connection. I don't watch much sports but the horizontally scroling
news items and vertical text scrolls are now smooth. I use GreedyH and
Xv. Have you tried XvMC? It gives for me very smooth video but
unfornately it is not stable enough for every day family usage.
