I've been running VDR with a FF card so I'm new to the xine-plugin method of running things. I find that the VDR machine is creating a very large number of defunct screensaver processes under Xine-UI. They do not clear until Xine is stopped and though they do not take up any system resources, they can't be a good thing. I've disabled the screensaver from the GUI, from the command line, and made the gnome-screensaver app itself non-executable with a chmod -x.
I am currently running vdr 1.5.12 with v4l drivers, CoreAVC processes, "walery" xine-lib from the list, Xine-UI 0.99.6, Xine-plugin 0.8.2 under Debian 2.6.24-rc4. Pretty sure I'm running Gnome, but this whole X11 thing is new. Much happier at a prompt...I know how to configure THAT!

top - 12:07:01 up 16:54,  2 users,  load average: 2.58, 2.51, 1.57
Tasks: 212 total,   3 running, 140 sleeping,   4 stopped,  65 zombie
top - 12:17:08 up 17:04,  2 users,  load average: 2.21, 2.68, 2.10
Tasks: 235 total,   3 running, 140 sleeping,   4 stopped,  88 zombie
top - 12:27:04 up 17:14,  2 users,  load average: 2.59, 2.73, 2.38
Tasks: 256 total,   5 running, 138 sleeping,   4 stopped, 109 zombie
top - 13:50:39 up 18:37,  2 users,  load average: 0.72, 0.92, 1.04
Tasks: 614 total,   1 running, 142 sleeping,   4 stopped, 467 zombie
root      6980  6570  0 06:52 ?        00:00:00 [gnome-screensav] <defunct>
root     26745 25679  0 13:44 ?        00:00:00 [gnome-screensav] <defunct>
root     26746  6946  0 13:44 pts/3    00:00:00 ps -ef

I'd be happy if the screensaver never ran again, as it's of no use here whatsoever.
Where do I begin looking to curb the creation of these zombies?