On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 9:03 PM, user.vdr
<user.vdr@gmail.com> wrote:
> The use is simple, show more information for programs. Many sities of the
> channels provide that information already, including pictures and movie
> trailers. There is also IMDB that can be used. As an example, MythTv has a
> nice use of IMDB for stored movies.
> Same can be implemented for live movies as well.
I always thought it would be cool if VDR was able to pull a
poster/cover and IMDB summary of movies but I doubt we'd see that in
vdr core. A plugin maybe. I'd think a cache somewhere would be far
more effecient then using epg.data for that though.
That's also an option.
I had a thought of saving description in HTML format, so it will be easy to design the output.