Ok, I fixed it..
In file epgsearchext.c, function CheckRepeatTimers, there is a line:
if (EventsMatch(pEvent, pEventP, compareTitle, compareSubtitle, compareSummary, compareDate, catvaluesAvoidRepeat))
There is no match limit given! So I added it like this:
if (EventsMatch(pEvent, pEventP, compareTitle, compareSubtitle, compareSummary, compareDate, catvaluesAvoidRepeat, compareSummaryMatchInPercent))
Seems to work now. Still needs your earlier patch in epgsearchtools.c of course.
5.4.2013 5.48 "Teemu Suikki" <tsuikki@zuik.org> kirjoitti:
I tried this, no change..
Then I added some debug. For some reason, matchLimit is 90 even if I have set it to 100! There must be some other bug that resets matchLimit..
If I set matchLimit=100 inside the function, it works as expected if your patch is installed.
5.4.2013 0.32 "Christian Wieninger" <cwieninger@gmx.de> kirjoitti:
probably the following code is the reason for this behaviour:
// last try with Levenshtein Distance, only compare the first 1000 chars
double fMatch = FuzzyMatch(eDescr, rDescr, 1000);
double tmp_matchlimit = matchLimit/100.0;
if(maxLength - minLength < 5)
tmp_matchlimit = 0.95;
LogFile.Log(2,"difference between both descriptions is < 5 setting matchlimit to: %.2f %%", tmp_matchlimit*100);
Please change the line
if(maxLength - minLength < 5)
if(maxLength - minLength < 5 && matchLimit < 95)
and let me know if it works for you.
Am 04.04.2013 20:04, schrieb Teemu Suikki:
I have vdr 1.7.27 and epgsearch 1.0.1.beta2, from yavdr..
I'm recording "Game of Thrones" from Canal Digital Nordic. The third season is starting in a few days..
The episodes have no episode name, and the description field simply says:
"(1:10/s3) 3. kausi maailman suosituimmasta HBO-sarjasta."The text part is always the same, just the episode number varies. So just a single character difference. But epgsearch thinks these are repeats! Even if I set required match to 100%, it still thinks they are repeats.. shouldn't 100% mean exact match?
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