"ABC/abc" " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~" "Active" "add new channels" "add new transponders" "always" "Apid1" "Apid2" "Audio" "auto" "Back" "Bandwidth" "Blue" "bottom" "Button$Schedule" "Button$Stop" "CA" "CAM has been reset" " Cancel editing" "Cancel editing?" "Can't open CAM menu!" "Can't reset CAM!" "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" "Can't start editing process!" "Can't start Transfer Mode!" "Can't switch channel!" "center cut out" "Channel-" "Channel" "Channel+" "Channel is being used by a timer!" "Channel locked (recording)!" "Channel not available!" "Channels" "Channel settings are not unique!" "CICAM" "Classic VDR" "CoderateH" "CoderateL" "Commands" "Day" "Delete" "Delete channel?" "Delete recording?" "Delete timer?" "Disk" "Do not press any key..." "Down" "Dpid1" "Dpid2" "DVB" "Edit" "Edit channel" "Editing process already active!" "Editing process failed!" "Editing process finished" "Editing process started" "Edit timer" "Eject" "eng,dos", "English", "EPG" "Error while accessing recording!" "Error while deleting recording!" "Event" "FastFwd" "FastRew" "File" "First day" "free" "Frequency" "Green" "Guard" "Hierarchy" "Info" "Insert" "*** Invalid Channel ***" "Inversion" "iso8859-15" "Jump: " "Language" "Learning Remote Control Keys" "Left" "letterbox" "Lifetime" "LNB" "Low disk space!" "Mark" "Menu" "Menu" "Miscellaneous" "Modulation" "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" "MTWTFSS" "Mute" "Name" "names and PIDs" "names only" "never" "New" "Next" "no" "No audio available!" "No editing marks defined!" "No free DVB device to record!" "none" "No title" "Now" "off" "Ok" "On/Off" "on primary interface" "Open" "Opening CAM menu..." "OSD" "Overwrite" "pan&scan" "Pause" "Pausing live video..." "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" "Phase 3: Saving key codes" "Play" "Play" "Please enter %d digits!" "Plugin" "Plugins" "Polarization" "Power" "Ppid" "Press any key on the RC unit" "Press any key to cancel shutdown" "Press 'Down' to continue" "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" "Press key for '%s'" "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" "Press 'Up' to confirm" "(press 'Up' to go back)" "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" "Priority" "RC code detected!" "Really restart?" "Record" "Record" "Recording" "Recording commands" "Recording in %d minutes, shut down anyway?" "Recording info" "Recording - restart anyway?" "Recordings" "Recording - shut down anyway?" "Red" "Replay" "Reset" "Resetting CAM..." "Restart" "Resume" "Rewind" "Right" "Scan" "scanning recordings..." "Schedule" "Schedule - %s" "Setup" "Setup.CICAM$CICAM DVB" "Setup.DVB$Audio language" "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" "Setup.DVB$Update channels" "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" "Setup.DVB$Video display format" "Setup.DVB$Video format" "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" "Setup.EPG$Set system time" "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" "Setup.OSD$Height" "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" "Setup.OSD$Language" "Setup.OSD$Left" "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" "Setup.OSD$Skin" "Setup.OSD$Sort timers" "Setup.OSD$Theme" "Setup.OSD$Top" "Setup.OSD$Use small font" "Setup.OSD$Width" "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" "Setup.Recording$Default priority" "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" "Sid" "skin dependent" "Source" "Srate" "Start" "Starting EPG scan" "Stop" "Stop" " Stop recording " "Stop recording?" " Stop replaying" "ST:TNG Panels" "Summary" "Summary" "Switch" "Switching primary DVB..." "This plugin has no setup parameters!" "Timer is recording!" "Timers" "Timer still recording - really delete?" "top" "Tpid" "Transmission" "Up" "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" "VDR" "Volume " "Volume-" "Volume+" "Vpid" "VPS" "What's on next?" "What's on now?" "Yellow" "yes"