Are you using the cvs version of the plugin? If not, you should give it a try. There is a fix which send a new PMT with relevant pids each time a channel is performed. You can verify using a tool like dvbsnoop. If the screen is still black, it is a problem of the PCH player. Even if the new channel is not playing, going back to previous one must show the proper picture.
2009/12/1 alexw <>
On 11/29/2009 04:13 PM, Theunis Potgieter wrote:I am using a PCH-A110 device with vdr-ui running on a separate server (for better integration). Channels are served using the standard streamdev plugin.
2009/11/27 alexw<>:
Hi,Do you use an Xtreamer device as a frontend, what are you using to achive this?
I do.
The only drawback is the necessity to quit (close) the running stream and go back to the vdr-ui selection page each time you want to change to another channel.
I have managed to build a jsp playlist with all VDR channels, but channel change is not quick enough to bring a good `surfing` experience with this method.
Using xineliboutput you can watch the `live` stream and change channel without quitting the player but the mono pmt parser fails sometime to get the new pids (tested with soft and hard demuxerm. m2ts and pes container). I am convinced that this is the best way to have an acceptable switching time between 2 channels reusing existing player with low key/remote dev (directfb keyb app to redirect remote key to VDR app).
I tried this with vdr-1.7.9 and as soon as I switch the channel the Xtreamer device stops. I still need to press stop and play again.
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