On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Stefan Ellenberger <stefan_ell@hotmail.com> wrote:
I do have a similar solution to the one Ville used in KDE

- set up a shell script
- issue a killall -q -9 vdr-sxfe command first (if there is no vdr-sxfe task running this will be ignored)
- call vdr-sxfe again
So you don't have a script that re-run vdr-sxfe in case it crashes?

Looks like this:

/usr/bin/killall -q -9 vdr-sxfe
/usr/bin/vdr-sxfe --fullscreen --post volnorm --reconnect xvdr://localhost

I do have to use sigterm (-9) paramter, because I do get tcp buffer overflows quite often. So the connection
to vdr gets lost but the task itself keeps running and can't be terminated cleanly by sighub or sth similar.
Yeah, it happen pretty often for me as well. Any ideas how to improve that?
I have a channel with many audio tracks that cause the buffer to get filled as well and drop frames.

In addition to ~/.config/autostart I do place a softlink to this script in K-Menu > Favorites and assign a HOTKEY.
So if I press this hotkey on my wireless keyboard the script gets restarted. Maybe there is a way to get kde-lirc working
with this script as well so you have it on your remote? Might be tricky when you already have a lirc session assigned to
vdr. I'd be interested in a solution to that.

I'm pretty sure you can assign hotkeys in gnome as well, might be worth trying.
Thanks. I'll try to find something similar in gnome. I use remote, so I'm not sure gnome will see the pressed keys as is.
irexec is probably the way to go.

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