
I'm having weird problems with my vdr box. It has been working fine for a long time now, but a week ago some channels stopped showing. EPG data was there, but the picture was blank and there was no sound. Problematic channels were all in the same transponder (not sure if this is the correct term, kanavanippu in Finnish). I started investigating the problem today and noticed that if I hook up my video projector to the vdr-box the channels won't show. If the projector is not hooked up, the channels show OK (I checked this with vdradmin).

Has anybody else had similar problems? How did you solve them? I have a spare display adapter and I might give it a try tomorrow.

The most puzzling thing here is the fact that the vdr-box has worked fine for quite some time before this.

I'm using LinVDR 0.7 with kernel 2.6.12.
