Gents, could you please run vdr-sxfe with "--verbose" flag and check if you see the "prebuffer=" line in console output when you switch the channel?

Please state the number you see there and please write again your vdr, xine-lib and xinelibout versions.


2008/12/11 Rolf Ahrenberg <>
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008, Goga777 wrote:

> 4. vdr 1.7.0(1) xineliboutput, directfb - 2-3 sec, xineliboutput, x11 - 2-4 sec
> seems it's due to of tcp/ip and pipes which are using xineliboutput

Well, I have vdr-1.6.0 and xinelibout-cvs with vdr-sxfe on my
development setup using latest kernel drivers (S2API, DVB-T card) and
haven't ever noticed as slow zapping as you documented: the channel
switching time is about one second.


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