> Hi
> I was running vdr-1.6.0 with vdr-xine-0.8.0 and upgraded (for no particular
> reason!) to vdr-xine-0.8.2.
> I now have occasional audio/video sync issues when replaying recordings,
> often cured by stopping and restarting the playback.    This happens with
> new and old, previously good, recordings.
> I also have a lot more video quality issues :
> audio skips,
> messages like:
> Apr 28 09:31:42 callin vdr: [12944] cAudioRepacker(0xC0): skipped 208 bytes
> to sync on next audio frame
> Apr 28 09:31:42 callin vdr: [12944] PES packet shortened to 2526 bytes
> (expected: 2894 bytes)
> but there has also been some cable upgrades in my area lately....so these
> might be unrelated?
I also have consistent audio sync problems on playback.  The audio is about 1/4 of a second behind the video.  Can this be adjusted out?