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[ 政策法规]
The [[VDR]] ebuilds are no official Gentoo ebuilds, and are therefor maintained in the german CVS of [].
[ 代办流程]
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[ 全网ICP所需材料]
==Automatic method==
[ 全网ICP代理委托协议]
One can avoid the detour with the CVS tree of Berlios and directly use
[ 代办SP证]
emerge sync
[ 代办SP所需材料]
[ 北京地区SP代理委托协议]
[ SP许可证证件样本]
[ 全网SP所需材料] 全网SP代理委托协议 ]

[ 代办ISP证]
Therefor '''/etc/make.conf''' get the following entry
[ 代办ISP所需材料]
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[ BBS审批]
[ 代办BBS所需材料]

[ 北京地区BBS代理委托协议]
and the entry: ''PORTAGE_OVERLAY'' can (if present) be deleted.
[ BBS加ICP代理委托协议]
[ BBS审批批复样本]
[ 红盾315备案]
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[ 经营性网站备案登记证书 ]
[ 跨地区增值业务 ]

[ 增值电信业务经营许可证样本]
==NOTE: The gentoo-merged Tree is outdated, the Server was switched off in May 2005==
[ 全网sp证代办]
[ 全网SP所需材料]
If you want to use portage for the VDR Ebuilds, you can use the PORTAGE_OVERLAY functionality by following the steps below:
[ 全网SP代理委托协议]
[ 代办ISP所需材料]
[ 全网isp证代办]
[ 全ISP所需材料]
[ 全网ISP代理委托协议 ]

[ 跨地区增值业务备案]
For updating the ebuilds you will use ''gensync'' from the <tt>gentoolkit-dev</tt> package:
[ 备案所需材料]
<pre>emerge gentoolkit-dev</pre>
[ IDC审批托管 ]
[ 呼叫中心CallCenter]
[ ICP/SP/ISP年检服务]
[ 分公司税务]

<pre>mkdir -p /usr/local/gentoo-de</pre>

[ 全网icp证代办 ]
In <tt>/etc/gensync/gentoo-de.syncsource</tt> write
[ 全网ICP所需材料 ]
[ 全网ICP代理委托协议]

[ 模块电源]
[ 手套箱]
description=" Portage Overlay"
[ 手套箱]
[ 气体净化器]
# mirror is the none with all VDR ebuilds!!!
# overlay="/my/absolute/path"

Now you can download our Ebuilds by means of ''gensync'',
and later also with the same command to keep them up to date.

<pre>gensync gentoo-de</pre>

Change the <tt>PORTDIR_OVERLAY</tt> Variable in <tt>/etc/make.conf</tt>:


==Manual method==
To use this ebuilds, they have to be brought in the Gentoo system manually. Sadly, there is no mechanism like ''emerge sync''. The ebuild are downloaded as tarballs from

1) wget "" -O ebuilds.tar.gz

To use specific ebuilds, there exists the portage variable ''PORTDIR_OVERLAY'' in the file '''/etc/make.conf'''. This variable should be set to '''/usr/local/portage''' (default).
2) vi +/PORTDIR_OVERLAY /etc/make.conf

Now the tarball should be unpacked and the files moved to the appropiate locations
3) mkdir /usr/local/portage
4) tar xfvz ebuilds.tar.gz -C /usr/local/portage
5) mv /usr/local/portage/ebuilds/* /usr/local/portage/

Try ''emerge -p vdr''. Something like this should be the result
[ebuild N ] media-video/linuxdvb-1.0.0_pre2
[ebuild N ] media-video/vdr-1.1.26

To update the ebuild the steps 1, 4 and 5 are sufficient.

* Linux Portage tree mirror
* and Linux Portage tree mirror

| [1]
| Portage snapshots


<!-- Link to german wiki page -->
[[de:Gentoo VdrEbuilds]]

Revision as of 10:13, 8 August 2005