Author: Martin Prochnow, extended by Carsten Siebholz and Andreas Mair
Extended Recordings Menu is a an extended recording menu for vdr.
Last Update 04/2012
Detailled Description
Extrecmenu has the same functionality as the VDR one, you can choose a recording, show infos and play it and apply commands to a recording.
With extrecmenu, recordings can be renamed, moved (including creating subdirs) and move/rename folders. Sorting ascending/descending is individually possible for each folder. Together with the PIN-Plugin playing and editing recordings can be restricted.
Also the DVDArchive-patch functions are included, you may archive to DVD (data DVD), but use the standard list of recordings.
- Extrecmenu-plugin-03.jpg
Intuitive as the standard recordings menu.
Software Requirements
- Dvd-plugin (optional, for Video-DVDs in list of recordings)
If the PIN-Plugin should be used to protect recordings, Makefile Option WITHPINPLUGIN=1 needs to be uncommented.
To use DVD-Archive Function, the script dvdarchive.sh needs to copied to $PATH.
cd $SOURCEDIR/VDR/PLUGINS/src/extrecmenu for i in contrib/* ; do gcc $i -o scripts/${i:(-11):9} ; done find $PWD/scripts -type f -exec ln -fs {} /usr/local/bin \;
There is a Patch for VDR in folder contrib to completely replace the original recordings menu.