AVerMedia AVerTV Hybrid+FM PCI (A16D): Difference between revisions
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AVerMedia AverTV Hybrid+FM PCI A16D
Avermedia offers two "Hybrid+FM PCI" cards that, unlike their names, feature different tuner chipset;
- model A16AR has a good support in v4l and some bynary driver from Driver download page
- model A16D has no support in v4l and no binary or source linux driver from the Driver download page.
Looking on the card we can find:
- Philips SAA7135HL PCI Audio/Video Broadcast Decoder
- Xceive XC3018 Silicon Tuner File:Xc3018.jpg
- Zarlink MT352 Digital Terrestrial TV Demodulator
Googlin' around it seem to me that Xceive XC3018 and 3028 are more than similar.
Also it seem that the card is quite similar to the Cardbus version (E506R).
Analogue TV seems to work already, but without [audio].
Remote can be enabled as well: see remote controller section in this wiki.
As for the (E506R) there's some experimental code in
$ hg clone http://linuxtv.org/hg/~mrechberger/v4l-dvb-kernel $ cd v4l-dvb-kernel/v4l
Adding A16D driver
A16D Definition has been added to the above v4l-dvb-kernel tree by Markus, so please jump to the [install] section!!
building and installing
$ make $ make install
Unfortunately with Fedora core 6 modules are installed in /usr/src/2.6.xxxx/kernel/ while modprobe looks for updated modules in /usr/src/2.6.xxxx/updates/. Maybe you need to give the correct path as an install options; by now I simply copied patched modules over the old ones.
As stated in this thread create /etc/modprobe.d/saa7134 containing:
options saa7134 card=105 alsa=1 tuner=71 install saa7134 /sbin/modprobe xc3028-tuner; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install saa7134; /sbin/modprobe saa7134-dvb; /sbin/modprobe saa7134-alsa
Remember that things don't work if you load saa7134 before xc3028-tuner.
installing firmware
Install firmware for the XC3028 as reported for the em2880
Firmware ver.3 and 4 worked with my card.
trying to let FM to work, you will get an error as reported by Damir:
.......... [78693.955561] upload_firmware, Loading specific radio firmware: xc3028_specific_radio.fw [78693.963196] Loading configuration from file failed!
Radio's firmware is called by xc3028-tuner module, but it is not actually provided with the above firmware installation.
I did some testing trying to extract firmware from windows drivers, but with no luck.
loading modules
Load modules with :
$ modprobe saa7134
Modules will also get loaded automatically at boot time.
Audio and FM
Thanks Damir, I was adviced:
TV works fine (except a fact that the sound must be processed with something like 'arecord -D hw:2,0 -r 32000 -c 2 -f S16_LE | sox -q -c 2 -r 32000 -w -t wav - -t alsa hw:0,0'), but FM radio doesn't.
I will investigate the above, but until now I'm not able to have TV audio nor FM from speakers! :-( Help's wellcome!!
cool so audio also works with it! FM needs an extra firmware which isn't implemented for your device so you won't have any luck with it.
MarkusRechberger 22:26, 10 March 2007 (CET)
Thanks to SunnyBUG, the autor of the original article "CARDBUS Hybrid TV FM (E506R)" from which most of this was taken.
You can find the translated Italian version Here
--Lucarasp 13:47, 23 February 2007 (CET)