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TBS6285 PCI-E low profile DVB-T2 Quad TV Tuner Card, as the name suggests, is a DVB-T2 PCIe Card from TBS Technologies. It is an update to the TBS6284 card for DVB T2 reception countries, such as UK, Sweden. It supports watching or recording four different channels .This DVB T2 PC TV card is ready with windows BDA driver and Linux driver. It’s ideal for watching UK Freeview SD and HD channels on PC.

The connectors are satellite 'F' type female screw connectors and provides RF in and out signals for other TV tuners.

This card behaves the same as the TBS6284 card, so use the same procedure to install.

Installation Issues

When installed into Myth TV 0.27, the driver install process caused issues on a mythbuntu build.

I followed this process

  1. Update the install with update/upgrade
  2. Install TBS drivers as per TBS6284 instructions
  3. nothing was added to the /var/log/syslog or dmesg output
  4. reboot the system
  5. I found "disagrees about version of symbol dvb_frontend_detach" messages in the dmesg output, so follow instructions at [1]
     a. cd to the "tbs-linux-drivers" subdirectory
     b. delete the contents of the kernel library drivers/media subdirectory using "rm -Rf /lib/modules/3.8.0-29-generic/kernel/drivers/media"
     c. reinstall drivers using "sudo make install"
     d. reboot the system

This gives working card drivers loaded and seen during the boot sequence.