Analog TV
Analog TV is the predecessor of DVB. In some countries like Germany analog TV is not available anymore and is exchanged by DVB-t. But may be someone want to use this for some reason, for instance for connection with old-style camcorders or so on.
TV standards
There are three TV standards for analog TV.
PAL (Phase Alternation Line) Standard for transmission of analog tv, developed by W. Bruch. This standard is widely used in west-europe for analog TV. Resolution: 625 Lines, 50 half frames per second, 4:3. The extension of PAL is PAL plus
SECAM ('Sequential Couleur A Mémoire') is a standard like PAL, but not widely used. Resolution: 625 Lines, 25 frames per second.
NTSC ('National Television System Comitee) is widely used in America, Canada and Japan. Resolution: 525 Lines, 60 half frames per second. Less quality then PAL, therefore sometimes called Never The Same Color. ;-)