stv090x-scan is a QT based application for stv0900 and stv090x devices like PROF 7301, PROF 7500, TBS 6925 and perhaps others. It is still in heavy development but stable and quite functional. It does satellite signal spectrum graphing, frequency blindscanning, TS stream analysis and has features for outputing to various video players. Additional features are being planned. See the TODO list.
- Recent QT libs and development libs
- libqwt6
- mercurial
- s2-liplianin-v37-UDL s2-liplianin-v37-udl
Install the appropriate QT and libqwt6 dependecies for your Linux distro. They should have packages available via their package manager.
Build and install the patched s2-liplianin-v37-udl DVB kernel drivers. Instructions are in the README.
Now you are ready to build and install stv090x-scan
- hg clone
- cd stv090x-scan
- edit and make sure INCLUDEPATH += points to your local copy of s2-liplianin-v37-udl/linux/include
- qmake
- make
Initial Setup and Operation
On first run choose File => Settings and configure your LNB settings. If you create an LNB setting for H polarity and V polarity the spectrum graph will overlay after completing a scan on both. B is for both. N is no voltage. Hit save and close.
Pick your Adapter and LNB config from the lists. Click "Spectrum Scan" to generate a graph of the frequency spectrum. Takes about 4 to 14 seconds slow mode, 1 to 4 seconds fast mode depending on the device. Prof 7500 is the fastest. Clicking on any of the frequency "bumps" in the graph pops open a window with a TS analysis.
Click "Blindscan" to peform a blindscan. Once complete select a frequency and click Tune for TS analysis.
Discusion forum at Rick's
stv090x-scan was renamed to updateDVB, and now uses v4l-updatelee repo, a complete 3.11 RC2 kernel. Both are using git now instead of mercurial. Updated the below links to reflect the change. M