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The Mystique brand is used for cards manufactured by KNC1 (a.k.a. KNC One), but not sold under that name.
The following cards have been tested and found working under :inux:
- DVB-S: TV-Star SaTiX-SX
- DVB-S2: SaTiX-S2 Dual
- DVB-C: CaBiX-C2
- DVB-T: TeRiX-T2
The latter also is able to receive H.264 for Norway with proper software as expected:
- DVB-S2/T2/C: SaTeCaBiX
They also have some DVBsky clones, check the DVBsky articles for their support:
- Mystique SaTiX-S2 Sky USB (DVBsky S860 clone)
- Mystique SaTiX-S2 Sky V2 USB (DVBsky S960 clone)