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Tunning channel TopUp Anytime3 (722166670)
Tunning channel DSF (754000000)
using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'
using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'
tuning to 722166670 Hz
tuning to 754000000 Hz
video pid 0x0000, audio pid 0x0000
video pid 0x0081, audio pid 0x0082
status 07 | signal 5cbf | snr 0000 | ber 001fffff | unc 00000000 |
Signal: 42% BER 2097151 UNC 0
status 1f | signal 5c99 | snr 0000 | ber 000002f0 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK (Ignoring to let tuner/decoder settle.(2)
Signal: 43% BER 0 UNC 0
status 1f | signal 5db6 | snr 0000 | ber 00000160 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK (Ignoring to let tuner/decoder settle.(1)
Signal: 42% BER 240 UNC 0
Signal: 43% BER 1232 UNC 0
Signal: 36% BER 1664 UNC 0
Signal: 42% BER 192 UNC 0
Signal: 36% BER 84272 UNC 254
Signal: 43% BER 256 UNC 0
Signal: 37% BER 30176 UNC 493
Signal: 43% BER 416 UNC 0
Signal: 36% BER 27808 UNC 334
Signal: 43% BER 240 UNC 0
Signal: 36% BER 4528 UNC 185
Signal: 43% BER 592 UNC 0
Signal: 37% BER 400 UNC 20
Signal: 43% BER 368 UNC 0
Signal: 38% BER 464 UNC 2
Signal: 38% BER 816 UNC 0
Signal: 37% BER 1808 UNC 18
Signal: 36% BER 7952 UNC 18
Tunning channel n-tv (778000000)
using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'
tuning to 778000000 Hz
video pid 0x0101, audio pid 0x0102
status 07 | signal 3e01 | snr 0000 | ber 001fffff | unc 00000188 |
status 1f | signal 3e4f | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 0000000a | FE_HAS_LOCK (Ignoring to let tuner/decoder settle.(2)
status 1f | signal 3efa | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 0000000a | FE_HAS_LOCK (Ignoring to let tuner/decoder settle.(1)
Signal: 24% BER 0 UNC 0
Signal: 24% BER 0 UNC 0
Signal: 24% BER 0 UNC 0
Signal: 24% BER 0 UNC 0
Signal: 23% BER 0 UNC 0
Signal: 24% BER 0 UNC 0
Signal: 24% BER 0 UNC 0
Signal: 23% BER 0 UNC 0
Signal: 24% BER 0 UNC 0
Signal: 24% BER 0 UNC 0
Summary statistics:
Summary statistics:
Frequency Signal Ber Unc
Frequency Signal Ber Unc
========= ====== ======== ========
========= ======== ======== ========
177500000 68.4 % 9121.6 0.0
713833330 38 % 209715 00000000
191500000 88.4 % 0.0 0.0
634000000 41 % 214722 00000000
506000000 58.9 % 0.0 0.0
658000000 41 % 209715 00000000
522000000 80.5 % 0.0 0.0
578000000 51 % 209715 00000000
570000000 47.3 % 30.4 0.0
546000000 46 % 209715 00000000
658000000 45.1 % 15747.2 0.0
722166670 43 % 210289 00000000
754000000 37.0 % 15988.8 132.4
778000000 24.3 % 0.0 0.0

== Test a channel continuously ==
== Test a channel continuously ==

Revision as of 15:55, 21 April 2009

Testing all channels and get an average

Why? When?

Script that gets you all channels and averages everything

Can be good when doing major changes to the installation, like replacing cables or installing a masthead amplifier. Create a baseline, then compare.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Original script from José Oliver Segura
# From Hex to % for signal strength by Nicolas Will, with help from GT, Feb. 1, 2008
# License unknown....
# Make sure that the tzap and channels.conf locations are correct
# Changes 2009-04-21
#   * moved channel.conf variable to begining of script
#   * applied channel.conf to tzap arguments
#   * removed unused variables channelsFEC1 and channelsFEC2
#   * added ignoring of first X output lines to let tuner/decoder settle
#   * sorting output by frequency
#   * changed formating of output to be more readable
#   * added samplesPerChannel variable (used to be hard coded 10)

use strict;
use warnings;

my($tzap) = "/usr/bin/tzap";
my($channelsConf) = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.tzap/channels.conf";
my($ignoreFirstLines) = 2 ; # sometimes ber/unc can be be extremly high after switching to a new channel
my($samplesPerChannel) = 10 ;

my($tzapArgs) = "-r -c $channelsConf";

sub loadChannels() {
        my $file = $channelsConf;
        open (CHANNELS,"< $file") or die $!;
        while (<CHANNELS>) {
                @_ = split (/:/,$_);
                my $channelName = $_[0];
		$channelsHz{$channelName} = $_[1];
        close CHANNELS;

print "Starting...\n";
my $channel;
foreach $channel (@channels) {
	my $count = 0;
	my $ignore = $ignoreFirstLines;
	my $freq = $channelsHz{$channel};

	print "================================================================================";
	print "\n";
	print "Tunning channel $channel ($freq)\n";
        my $zapPid = open ZAP, "$tzap $tzapArgs \"$channel\" 2>&1 |" or die $! . ": $tzap $tzapArgs \"$channel\"";
	while ( $count < $samplesPerChannel && defined( my $line = <ZAP> )  ) {
		if ($line =~ /FE_HAS_LOCK/) {
			if ($ignore > 0 ) {
				print "$line (Ignoring to let tuner/decoder settle.($ignore)\n";
     			#print "$line\n";
			## status 1f | signal a1ae | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000012 | FE_HAS_LOCK
			$line =~ /.+signal (....).+ber (........).+unc (........).+/;
			my $signal = hex $1;
			my $ber = hex $2;
			my $unc = hex $3;
			$signalFreqAcum{$freq} += $signal;
			$berFreqAcum{$freq} += $ber;
			$uncFreqAcum{$freq} += $unc;
			print join("\t","Signal: ".int($signal/65536*100)."%","BER ".$ber,"UNC ".$unc),"\n";
		} else {
			print "$line\n";
	close ZAP;
	print "\n";

print "Summary statistics:\n";
print "Frequency\tSignal  \tBer     \tUnc\n";
print "=========\t========\t========\t========\n";
my $freq;
foreach $freq (sort(keys(%signalFreqAcum))) {
	print "$freq\t";
	printf "%6.1f %%",$signalFreqAcum{$freq}/$signalFreqCount{$freq}/65536*100;
	print "\t";
	printf "%8.1f",$berFreqAcum{$freq}/$berFreqCount{$freq};
	print "\t";
	printf "%8.1f",$uncFreqAcum{$freq}/$uncFreqCount{$freq};
	print "\n";

Original author: José Oliver Segura


Requirements: a channels.conf file, tzap, veryfy the locations of programs and files in the code.


perl signaltest.pl

Sample output

Tunning channel DSF (754000000)
using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'
tuning to 754000000 Hz
video pid 0x0081, audio pid 0x0082
status 07 | signal 5cbf | snr 0000 | ber 001fffff | unc 00000000 |
status 1f | signal 5c99 | snr 0000 | ber 000002f0 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK (Ignoring to let tuner/decoder settle.(2)
status 1f | signal 5db6 | snr 0000 | ber 00000160 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK (Ignoring to let tuner/decoder settle.(1)
Signal: 36%     BER 1664        UNC 0
Signal: 36%     BER 84272       UNC 254
Signal: 37%     BER 30176       UNC 493
Signal: 36%     BER 27808       UNC 334
Signal: 36%     BER 4528        UNC 185
Signal: 37%     BER 400 UNC 20
Signal: 38%     BER 464 UNC 2
Signal: 38%     BER 816 UNC 0
Signal: 37%     BER 1808        UNC 18
Signal: 36%     BER 7952        UNC 18

Tunning channel n-tv (778000000)
using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'
tuning to 778000000 Hz
video pid 0x0101, audio pid 0x0102
status 07 | signal 3e01 | snr 0000 | ber 001fffff | unc 00000188 |
status 1f | signal 3e4f | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 0000000a | FE_HAS_LOCK (Ignoring to let tuner/decoder settle.(2)
status 1f | signal 3efa | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 0000000a | FE_HAS_LOCK (Ignoring to let tuner/decoder settle.(1)
Signal: 24%     BER 0   UNC 0
Signal: 24%     BER 0   UNC 0
Signal: 24%     BER 0   UNC 0
Signal: 24%     BER 0   UNC 0
Signal: 23%     BER 0   UNC 0
Signal: 24%     BER 0   UNC 0
Signal: 24%     BER 0   UNC 0
Signal: 23%     BER 0   UNC 0
Signal: 24%     BER 0   UNC 0
Signal: 24%     BER 0   UNC 0

Summary statistics:
Frequency       Signal          Ber             Unc
=========       ========        ========        ========
177500000         68.4 %          9121.6             0.0
191500000         88.4 %             0.0             0.0
506000000         58.9 %             0.0             0.0
522000000         80.5 %             0.0             0.0
570000000         47.3 %            30.4             0.0
658000000         45.1 %         15747.2             0.0
754000000         37.0 %         15988.8           132.4
778000000         24.3 %             0.0             0.0

Test a channel continuously

Why? When?

Script that tunes a channel and simply converts the Signal strength into a percentage in the tzap output.

Can be good when pointing the antenna.

Recent femon versions have this functionnality built-in by using

femon -H


#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

f = sys.stdin
while True:
       l = f.readline().strip()
       fields = l.split(" | ") 
       if len(fields) < 2:
               print l
               # Sig Strength
               sigStr = fields[1].split(" ")[1]
               sig = int(sigStr, 16) / float(int('ffff', 16))
               fields[1] = "signal %.1f%%" % (sig * 100.0)

               # BER 
               berStr = fields[3].split(" ")[1]
               ber = int(berStr, 16) 
               fields[3] = "ber %08d" % (ber)
               print " | ".join(fields)

Original author: Matt Doran


Requirements: a channels.conf file, tzap


tzap channel | tzapfilter.py

Sample output

using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'
tuning to 578000000 Hz
video pid 0x0000, audio pid 0x0000
status 1f | signal 51.0% | snr 0000 | ber 02097151 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK
status 1f | signal 51.1% | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 0000000f | FE_HAS_LOCK
status 1f | signal 51.1% | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK
status 1f | signal 51.1% | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK
status 1f | signal 51.0% | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK
status 1f | signal 51.0% | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK
status 1f | signal 51.0% | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK
status 1f | signal 51.1% | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK
status 1f | signal 51.1% | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK
status 1f | signal 51.1% | snr 0000 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK