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Re: DVB scripts

Hi there

EON = Euroupe on line? that is a sat service covering euroupe (as far as I

None of you wouldn't happen to know if a service covered Australia that
A) useable with linux mainly

Telstra's service say it's much like the DirectPC service in the us in
that the protocols are the same basically is that compatable with this dvb
data stuff or are the many different standards for this

And is there a providor that Services Australia that does use the dvb data


On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Benea Rares wrote:

> Hi all
>     I am an EON user.. and of course like the rest of us I had some
> problems with the drivers and the transponders. So there for I made 3
> silly scripts that help to continue in this situation.
>     So... here they are:
> dvb-up  - it replaces the make insmod plus after that it runs CyberLogin
> in background
> #!/bin/sh
> echo "Initializing dvb modules";
>     cd ./driver/
>     insmod -s i2c-core.o;
>     insmod -s videodev.o;              \
>     insmod -s saa7146_core.o mode=0;   \
>     insmod -s saa7146_v4l.o;           \
>     insmod -s VES1893.o;               \
>     insmod -s VES1820.o;               \
>     insmod -s dvb.o;                   \
>     insmod -s tuner.o;                 \
>     insmod -s msp3400.o;               \
>     ifconfig dvb0;      \
> echo "Logging to EON"
>     cd ../apps/CyberLogin
>     nohup "./CyberLogin"
> dvb-down - it kills CyberLogin from background and removes the modules
> from memory
> #!/bin/sh
> echo "Logging out from EON"
>     killall -TERM CyberLogin
> echo "Removing dvb modules";
>     cd ./driver
>     ifconfig dvb0 down;     \
>     rmmod -s msp3400;          \
>     rmmod -s tuner;            \
>     rmmod -s dvb;              \
>     rmmod -s VES1893;          \
>     rmmod -s VES1820;          \
>     rmmod -s saa7146_v4l;      \
>     rmmod -s saa7146_core;     \
>     rmmod -s videodev;         \
>     rmmod -s i2c-core;         \
> - the script that controls these two;  It checks if you have
> upload, and if you do is starts the dvb-up. If the dvb fall down it
> starts dvb-down and tries to reinstall the drivers
> #!/usr/bin/perl
>     my $i;
>     print "Start\n";
>     while (3>2)
>         { $i = upload_up();
>           if($i == 0) {print "Upload down!!!";}
>           while ($i == 0) {print "Waiting upload to go up\n"; $i =
> upload_up();}
>           print "Upload up!!!\n";
>           system ("./dvb-up &");
>           print "Waiting for the dvb to go up\n";
>           sleep 40;
>           $i = dvb_up();
>           if($i == 1) {print "Dvb up!!!\n";}
>           while ($i == 1) {$i = dvb_up();}
>           print "Dvb down!!!\n";
>           system ("./dvb-down");
>           sleep 20;
>         }
> sub dvb_up
> {
>     $_ = qx{ping -c 1 -q -n};
>     if(/.*\s(\d+)\% packet loss.*/)
>        {if($1 == 0)     {return 1}
>         else            {return 0}
>        }
> }
> sub upload_up
> {
>     $_ = qx{ping -c 1 -q -n};
>     if(/.*\s(\d+)\% packet loss.*/)
>        {if($1 == 0)     {return 1}
>         else            {return 0}
>        }
> }
> NOTE: the scripts must be placed in the DVB directory near ./driver and
> ./apps ; Otherwise you'll have to change the path in the scripts
>     I'm waiting for suggestions
> Best Regards
> Rares

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