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siemens_dvb-0.6 problem

  I compiled siemens_dvb-0.6 driver. Everything was ok. I have Pro7
  at my composite output. (System is RedHat 6.2)

  I can not change status of my DVB card with dvbd.conf.

  My dvbd.conf is in /etc directory, and it's look like:

	# ASTRA 1G/1H (115)
	symbolrate 22000000
	frequency 12662750
	polarisation 1

  Is it ok?

  But after restarting modules (make rmmod; make insmod) polarisation
  is always Vert. as without dvbd.conf. Please help me what I should to do.

  I would like to use Linux for EON access, can I change freq. or
  polarisation from CyberLogin.ini, I think it's not possible.   
  Thanks in advance,

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