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Re: Multicast from EOL and Linux ?

Gerben, I am highly interested in the configuration you used to get the eol 
access working in a linux box on a masqueraded network. I am planning on 
setting up a similar configuration (Mandrake 7.1 box with dvb-s, I use 
freesco on another machine for dialup/masquerading.).
Also I am interested in setting up the linux box to redirect the video to a 
multicast stream on the LAN (fast ethernet), using wiin& linux client to 
watch it.  anybody got that running? which clients do work? where is 
dvbrouter.tar.gz to be found?


At 16:10 20.07.00 +0200, you wrote:
>At 15:25 7/20/00 +0200, Karsten Siebert wrote:
>>You need either Windows media player in a Windows Machine or a Kencast
>>client for file delivery.
>I tried the latter, but it complains about not being able to find the 
>dvb-card. Or am I mistaking the Kencast client for the Fazzzt client? But 
>I gather from this information that it can be done? I'm particularly 
>interested in this, because I use the dvb-card in the linux box on a 
>masqueraded network. But I would also like to be able to use the eon 
>download centre for the high-speed (2 Mbps) downloads.
>Grtz Gerben.

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