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europeonline-proxy overcrowded ?

i connect to europeonline via dvbd and squid, it's my default parent 
in squid and the connection works now very well. from time to time 
the following error occurs:

>The requested URL
>could not be
>While trying to retrieve the
>The following error was
>      Access Denied.
>      Access control
>      configuration prevents
>      your request from being
>      allowed at this time.
>      Please contact your
>      service provider if you feel
>      this is incorrect.
>Your cache administrator is
>Generated Mon, 07 Aug 2000
>12:59:55 GMT by

mostly by css- or database-driven sites, it occurs even in framesets 
where the other frames are loaded successfully. any suggestions to 
get rid of it ?

mit freundlichen Grüßen / sincerely

Mo Hataj

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