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Re: Where's the problem ? Please help !!!

>Hey guys !
>	What to do when dvb connection dies, and only reload of the 
>driver helps ?
>There must be solution, and as I think that more people have the same problem.
>I have kernel 2.2.16, Techno Trend DVB card, siemens drivers 0.6. Everything
>goes great until connection dyes, then reload of drivers is nessesary. I have
>written perl script which controls and reloads driver. But it's not 
>a standalone
>linuxbox, so deaths of the connections are big problem ! (it takes 
>bout 10-20 s
>to reload driver).
>	I've been asking the same question since a long time. Due to 
>lack of answers,
>and my idea's I decide to try once more !
>	As you know the documentation of dvb isn't very useful. I 
>heard something
>'bout patched driver, but I can't find it !
>	Please help me, your help is only way to solute the problem. 
>Someone must have
>had soluted one !

i'd the same experience and was told the receiver may be of the wrong kind.
actually, there is the effect that restarting dvbd leads to nothing 
than outputs that looks allright.
unloading and reloading the dvb-card-drivers is the only way to get 
things back to work, that's my experience.
how are you connected to internet? leased line, constant ip, modem or 
isdn, dynamic ip?
if dynamic ip, do you un- and reload dvbd everytime ppp-connection 
goes down and up (/etc/ppp/ip-up) ?

mit freundlichen Grüßen / sincerely

Mo Hataj

digital images GmbH
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