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[linux-dvb] Re: Diseqc and CVS-Driver


On Sun, May 06, Andreas Peter wrote:

> I've Diseqc-Problems with the actual CVS-Driver.
> It' not possible for me to switch to the secondary LNB wiht vdr-0.80pre4 or 
> with test_switch.c from the driver. The Code-Sequence seems to be the same in 
> CVS and in Version 0.8, but it only works with driver 0.8.
> Does anybody have a similar problem, any ideas to solve this? 

Yes I have the same problem with the new driver, too.
By the way, I can configure my Diseqc Switch (22kHz, Toneburst, Diseqc).
It only works with Toneburst.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

	Dieter Bloms (

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