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[linux-dvb] Re: exporting VDR files

Am 27.5.2001 um 18:23 schrieb Matthias Schniedermeyer:

> > > > mplex -tMPEG2 -o st-mpeg2.mpeg 001.vdr (with various -a -v options)
> > > > mplex -tDVD -o st-dvd.mpeg 001.vdr
> mplex -t MPEG2 -v 60 ... (Ravisent & PowerDVD)

mplex -tDVD works now when i play the resulting file with vlc or xine.
But only at the beginning of the Movie the A/V is in Sync. After a while
the Audio is too early (or the Video too late). How can i correct this?
Why is it such a problem to get A/V in sync??

How can i convert the .vdr files into a readable Video format so that i
can watch theese on my PC (e.g. with xine)?

Ciao, Thomas.

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