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[linux-dvb] Re: Announcing: dvbstream-0.3

> the same time sending the video, audio and teletext streams 
> to the TV-OUT and 
> mapping the v/p/t pids to 100, 200 and 300, you would type 
> the following:
> dvbstream -f 12441 -p v -s 27500 -v 512:100 -a 660:200 -t 576:300

I am unsure what the problem is but I am unable to tune video, audio.
When I attempt to tune in just an audio I get an FE_COMPLETE_EV but when
I attempt to tune in both video and audio I always receive
The ioctl(fd_frontend,FE_SET_FRONTEND,&feparams) call succeeds but I am
able to get an event.

The settings that I am using in dvbstream are the same that I am using
VDR and they tune in the channel in VDR properly.  When I look in the
log file, VDR seems to pick up the tune event the first time, rather
than making
multiple attempts.

I am running DVB 0.9 - 2001,08,22
	       VDR 0.96
		 Kernel 2.4.3



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