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[linux-dvb] Re: WinTV nova problem? Metzler)  16.10.01 12:27

>Rainer Zocholl writes:
>> Metzler)  14.10.01 23:09
>> Once upon a time Ralph Metzler shaped the electrons to say...
>>>Rainer Zocholl writes:
>>>> Are here other user of "budget" cards like "WinTV nova 541"?
>>>> If they have time would someone be so kind and
>>>> do a
>>>> grep "ERROR: can't record MPEG1!" /var/log/messages
>>>> /var/log/syslog grep "ERROR: skipped" /var/log/messages
>>>> /var/log/syslog grep "ERROR: unknown picture type"
>>>> /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog
>>>> (Or whereever your syslog.conf logs, maybe
>>>> zcat /var/log/*.gz | grep ERROR
>>>> to get some older/longer time infos )
>>>Sorry, but all these messages are not from the DVB driver.
>> Jepp. But the problem seems not to be in the application.


Because i got too kernel panics from the driver while
in the interrupt. 
Always in a (one of several) memcpy) routines.

>>>Which application is producing them and under which circumstances???
>> "(Kernel 2.4.10, *VDR 0.96*, snaphot DVB, Intel)"

>This does not tell me under which circumstances the mentioned messages

I can't reproduce it.
It only "just happens" when i record with VDR from the second 
card and this card is WinTV-Nova (not a 1.5, did not try if
the 2.1 too shows this effect.)

>"ERROR: can't record MPEG1!" or "ERROR: skipped"
>does not really tell me what is going on.

It tell's that in the buffer are data tagged that 
should not /can't be there.

msi:~/video/VDR# grep "ERROR: can't record MPEG1" *.c
remux.c:                        esyslog(LOG_INFO, "ERROR: can't record MPEG1!");

void cTS2PES::instant_repack(const uint8_t *Buf, int Count)
  int c = 0;
   while (c < Count && (mpeg == 0 || (mpeg == 1 && found < 7) || (mpeg == 2
   && found < 9)) && (found < 5 || !done)) {
           switch (found ) {
          case 0:
          case 1:
                  if (Buf[c] == 0x00)
                     found = 0;
          case 2:
                  if (Buf[c] == 0x01)
                  else if (Buf[c] != 0)
                     found = 0;
          case 3:
                  cid = 0;
                  switch (Buf[c]) {
                    case PROG_STREAM_MAP:
                    case PRIVATE_STREAM2:
                    case PROG_STREAM_DIR:
                    case ECM_STREAM     :
                    case EMM_STREAM     :
                    case PADDING_STREAM :
                    case DSM_CC_STREAM  :
                    case ISO13522_STREAM:
                         done = true;
                    case PRIVATE_STREAM1:
                    case VIDEO_STREAM_S ... VIDEO_STREAM_E:
                    case AUDIO_STREAM_S ... AUDIO_STREAM_E:
                         cid = Buf[c++];
                         found = 0;
          case 4:
                  if (Count - c > 1) {
                     unsigned short *pl = (unsigned short *)(Buf + c);
                     plength = ntohs(*pl);
                     c += 2;
                     found += 2;
                  else {
                     plen[0] = Buf[c];
          case 5: {
                    plen[1] = Buf[c++];
                    unsigned short *pl = (unsigned short *)plen;
                    plength = ntohs(*pl);
          case 6:
                  if (!done) {
                     flag1 = Buf[c++];
                     if ((flag1 & 0xC0) == 0x80 )
                        mpeg = 2;
                     else {
                        esyslog(LOG_INFO, "ERROR: can't record MPEG1!");
                        hlength = 0;
                        which = 0;
                        mpeg = 1;
                        flag2 = 0;
          case 7:
                  if (!done && mpeg == 2) {
                     flag2 = Buf[c++];
          case 8:
                  if (!done && mpeg == 2) {
                     hlength = Buf[c++];

>> These messages are only indicators. From DVB-drvicer i didn't get
>> such (warning) messages (if i do not count the kernel oopses that
>> sometimes happened in DVBdemux etc. memcpy-routines because the

>Do you mean dvb_demux.c?
>Where does this oops occur in there?
>Can you run it through ksymoops?

I tried, but the problem is, that the error occurs only
in the interrupt part, so nothing is logged.

I just have some screen .jpg.(
Sometimes i have partly retyped and compared with ksyms.
I postet that to the list.

>No, I mean a simple program which records the kind of stream you have
>problems with and shows those artifacts.

Ok, no. I would be luky too to be at that point.

I just wanted to have more info.
Maybe this depends on 2.4.x too.
As long i had 2.2 i did not see any of this problems.

>> The driver is involved only so far as that he seems to rely on that
>> the received data is in "spec". But sometimes the garbage seems to
>> lead the driver to try to copy more data in the buffer as would fit:
>> Oops. Maybe VDR delievers wrong pointers, but that too should never
>> lead to a kernel oops andf why should it depend on the board used?

>Without something like a ksymoops dump I really cannot do anything.

Have a look in the postings:

Sa 29.09.01, 15:17
[linux-dvb] Kernel Oops while in interrupt

Do 11.10.01, 16:07
[linux-dvb] kernel oops: dvbdemux trusting received s

I did not retype the entire screen because a stack trace
in an interrupt routine makes not always sense, and as long there
is no takers i hesitate retyping stupidly hex numbers,
maybe with errors... :-)

Maybe you can give some tips "how to get more infos
to un-oops"?

I searched for infos but the only thing i found was
the (outdated) mail of linus concering bugs and the 
NT (nice try) of sgi to add an oops-dump facility, but only
for Kernel 2.4.4.

For example:
"objdump -D -S dvbdemux.o"
would have helped a lot, but i did not know that trick.

The problem is, that the box has only 2 PCI slots and only
one serial. It uses lirc serial so i can't use V.24 terminal emu
writing a log file. I tried to make the dvb IR run, 
but i found that it was a miss information/understanding:
I thought that dvb now supports the IR input on the 2.1 DVB-s for lirc,
but it should read, that dvb can now use IR _form_ lirc.
And lirc does only support the Hauppage IP control unit (the 
"device" with the two AAA batteries ;-) ) and not the IR receiver.

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