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[linux-dvb] Re: Leftover kdvb-fe processes

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> When I run VDR there is a kdvb-fe process created when I open the
> frontend. Sometimes there are two such processes created per DVB
> card, one of them marked '<defunct>'. After stopping VDR  (no matter
> whether I explicitly do a 'close(fd_frontend)' or not) the
> '<defunct>' kdvb-fe process goes away, but the other kdvb-fe process
> stays alive and eats up all of the CPU time.
> If I then do a 'make rmmod' to get rid of these leftover processes, I
> sometimes get this:
> [kernel oops]

I reported this issue a few days ago in another thread. 
Since I did not get a helpful response, I started looking into this 

It seems that the frontend process exits (and remains as a zombie 
process) as soon as the frontend is opened again.
Does vdr open the frontend twice?

Anyway, it would be better to re-use an existing frontend process 
instead of exiting and creating a new one...

> Question: why don't these kdvb-fe processes go away when the frontend
> is closed? And what's with these <defunct> processes?

The last frontend process will only exit if you set the module parameter 
dvb_shutdown_timeout to a non-zero value.


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