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[linux-dvb] DVB IP packets incomplete or dropped

HI Holger and all

I think something is limiting my DVB-to-IP bandwidth.
How to solve it? Do I need faster computer or is it
something else, some software-imposed bandwidth limit 
that I can somehow override?

I have P3-800 and TT-Budget and let's say I tcpdump to
file everything coming from astra PID 768, 12721 MHz Horizontal.
The bandwidth is 20 Mbit/s

Now, this would be command to do it, but
returns incomplete tcp streams. In the dumpfile some packets are 
either too short or missing,
tcpdump -w dumpfile -s 0 -i dvb0_0

However, if I specify some certain IP matching rule e.g.
dumping only packets going to 172.23.160.*, therefore also
reducing the reception bandwidth, then I get
complete tcp streams in dumpfile;
tcpdump -w dumpfile -s 0 -i dvb0_0 dst 172.23.160

I checked other tools besides tcpdump like tcpflow, all behave 
the same - when appying some more narrowed IP matching rule, then 
it is OK, but when capturing full bandwidth then the result becomes 

Is it possible and how to get complete packet capture at full b/w?

Best regards

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