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[linux-dvb] reg: working of mrouted , some help please


I am Computer Engineering Masters student from the University of Kansas.

I have implemented a reliable multicast service based on composite
protocols for my Masters Thesis. I would like to compare my implementation
with that of mrouted ( DVMRP for Linux).

I successfully manage to complile and install mrouted on Linux , but I
have the following problem.

Please read on..

I have problems with sending multicast packets on a mrouted ( DVMRP implementation for
 Linux) network.

My network topology looks like :

                        |                             |
                        |                             |
                R5--------------R6          R7-----------------R8
                |               |           |                  |
                * H1            *H2         *H3                *H4

mrouted runs on routers ( which are Linux boxes ) R1, R2.. R8.

I am trying to send multicast packets from source H1 to the group

H4 has already joined the group and this information is
reflected in R8's routing table.

Coming to my question :

 First of all, I dont find any of the multicast routes installed in the
kernel IP routing table.
However, mrouted computes all the routes successfully , which I checked by
sending an USR1 signal to the process.

So when I try to send a packet from H1 addressed to , packets
are sent only on the
 statically defined default routes for multicast IP addresses , and if
there is no default r
oute , its not sent at all.

Any idea of how make this work ?

my mrouted.conf file at R1 looks like this:

phyint eth0 disable
phyint eth1 rate_limit 0 igmpv1
phyint eth2 rate_limit 0

where eth1 and eth2 connect to H1 and R2 respectively.

Similar configuration exists on other machines too.

Am I missing something ?

Please let me know.

Thanks in advance,

Sandeep Subramaniam
Graduate Research Assistant
ITTC, Raymond Nichols Hall,
University of Kansas

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