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[linux-dvb] Re: Driver locks entire PC

Am Mon, 2002-12-23 um 13.15 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> Ever since I switched to driver version 2002-12-08 (which is actually
> the same as 2002-12-06) I noticed that from time to time when I restart
> VDR (which I do quite often when further developing the program ;-)
> my entire system got totally frozen (and only a hard reset would help).
I observe this with all new-HEAD drivers since 2002-10-10. But here it
is completely reproduceable: If I exit vdr through the setup item, the
kernel panics, but not if I SIGTERM vdr with Ctrl-C.

This is the only reason why I'm still stuck at vdr-1.1.14 ... :-(

> Apparently this is caused when the frontend is opened/closed to quickly.
> The following test program runs stable for quite a while with driver 2002-12-01,
> but with driver 2002-12-06 it locks the machine after just a few loops.
I've run your program for now more than 1200 cycles and the machine
doesn't lock up. Perhaps it a hardware related problem? I run it on a
rev 1.3 as second card (behind a nova).

> With driver 2002-12-01 the program does hang after some 1016 loops, apparently because 
> there are too many processes running by then (I have over 1000 'kdvb-fe <defunct>'
> processes in that case, which go away only after killing the test program). Interestingly
yep, get that too.

merry Christmas
Since a politician never believes what he says, he is surprised
when others believe him.
                -- Charles DeGaulle

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