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[linux-dvb] libdvb: is this a bug?

Hello newsgroup,
I am not sure, but I think I found a bug in libdvb (0.2.2).
Frank Verlinden reported the following problem in a posting dated 3 Mar 2003
> After loading the Convergence or the Metzler DVB drivers the n-tv screen
> is showed. When starting Tuxzap and trying to switch to an FTA channel
> the screen becomes blank. With the Convergence driver, it is still
> possible to switch with szap.
I had the same problem, but unfortunalety Frank did not continue the thread,
so I tried to find out the reason and a solution by myself. Let me now report
my results:
In source is a function set_diseqc_nb. Its purpose is to
assign proper values to the six bytes and the length attribute of
the struct dcmd, used as parameter for the frontend API function
Here is a part of the C code: ------------------------------
    dcmd.msg[3]=0xF0 |
                         ((nr * 4) & 0x0F) |
                         (tone ? 1 : 0) |
(voltage ? 2 : 0);
According to the DiSEqC specification bus_spec.pdf (found at 
"Command Byte" and chapter 9.1 "Write Port Group", and
slave_microcontroller_spec.pdf, chapter 7.2 "Committed
Control Pins", dcmd.msg[3] is the data byte in the
"Write N0" command (hex code 0x38, "write to port group 0 
(committed switches)").
The meaning of the least significant bit in this data byte is:
1 <=> "High L.O. frequency selected".
Now lets look at what happens if tuxzap switches to a transponder
in the high band area:
In function DVB::SetTP tone is properly set to SEC_TONE_ON,
but unfortunately the enum type of tone is:
------ linux/dvb/frontend.h ---------------------------------
typedef enum fe_sec_tone_mode {
} fe_sec_tone_mode_t;
(see also "Linux DB API Version 3", V1.0.0 pre1,
chapter 2.1.7 "SEC continuous tone")
That means, that "tone" has _zero_ value and "(tone : 1 : 0)"
evaluates to 0, resulting in the least significant bit in
dcmd.msg[3] NOT set in this case.
This is a contradiction to the eutelsat specs.
I patched the expression to: ((tone == SEC_TONE_ON) ? 1 : 0),
and a very similar piece of code in function set_diseq the same
way. This is much more robust coding, and it worked properly.
Is this a bug?
I am doubtfull, because only one posting reported this problem.
I would highly appreciate a statement of Marcus Metzler.
Thanks in advance for any answer.
Best regards,
Sven Severus

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