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[linux-dvb] Re: DVB Driver & Porting

We follow a more sophisticated approach that's closer to SetTopBoxes. The API you describe basically maps the functionality of old av7110 firmware revisions from Technotrend...
Yes. It is. But as I said required work is to wrap Linux DVB API calls into respective Windows API functions. It is like You have
binaries from DVB-hardware manufacturer with specific API and want to
try to make that card supported by Linux DVB API.
Actually there are not soo problematic situation becouse I ready
to change Windows-side functions to fit to some requirements.

I have one huge problem: I have no Linux development/usage experience.
For that project it is needed to recompile Linux sources for Cygwin
but some includes are missed in Cygwin installation.
probably the dependencies into the LinuxDVB API? These are surely not distributed as part of Cygwin - as well as all other Linux kernel include files, too...
Probably that is the reason... still trying to compile vdr...

With best wishes

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