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[linux-dvb] pinnalce pctv sat

Hi there!

I'm new here. I've bought a Pinnacle PCTV sat card. The driver compiled
fine and the ./ins command works now, too (thanks to Peter Hettkamp!).
But watching a channel doesn't work, or I just don't know what to do.
I've compiled dvdstream and dvdtune. dvdtune doesn't work at all, and
the command

florian@florian:/usr/local/src/dvbstream> ./dvbstream -o -ps -f 12110 -p
h -s 27500 2401 2402 | /usr/local/MPlayer/bin/mplayer -cache 2048 -

ends up with this:

Playing -
Reading from stdin...
Cache fill:  0,00% (0 bytes)    Falling back on trying to parse playlist
============ Sorry, this file format is not recognized/supported
=== If this file is an AVI, ASF or MPEG stream, please contact the
author! ===

What's wrong? Another question: Has someone tested xine? My xine always
says that there's no dvb-plugin, though it is in [..]/plugins.

The last one: 
depmod -ae

shows this:
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/misc/dvb_firm.o
depmod:         dvb_root_addr
depmod:         dvb_dpram_addr
depmod:         dvb_dpram_len
depmod:         dvb_root_len

Should I just ignore this?

I hope someone can help me or give me an hint like a guide in the web!


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