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[linux-dvb] Re: full featured card without signal and required video memory investigation

At 17:21 13/07/2003, you wrote:
I just checked again with todays snapshot - the crash is still there...
Having a revision 1.3 here, appearantly leaving the system alone keeps it
healty, but if you have high sysload+recording+playback going on - that way
the chips are stressed more i think (my card has an extra fan) - the crash
happens soon.
First one get's outcommand errors (resulting in long keay-reaction-times in
playback mode)
acknowledged. After some time there are StopHwFilter errors, then eventually ARM crashes.

 and error waiting command idle, later vdr-buffer usage goes to
100% and the ARM crashes.

After watchdog reset the driver reloads but fails,
because if some other program has still open /dev/video the necessary modules
can not be realoaded and stay in kernel.
yes - make rmmod / insmod solves the prob here.

PS: I verified - the one and only call to SetPIPs is with all zero's... maybe
one should call that again for some reason?
Same here. They get set to all 0 right after loading vdr and are then untouched right to the crash. I'm using vdr-1.2.1: EPG TimeOut is 0, EPG doesn't set system time, no Sat channels in channels.conf.

More investigation later. I think it has definitely to do with rev 1.3...

- Gregor

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