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[linux-dvb] Re: IP multicast package loss with current CVS driver


[Holger Waechtler]
 > sure. Can you please try to dig this down and report anything you find?

At the moment, it is much better, maybe its completely solved! That means
the error rate is low enough so that the secondary error correction
algorithm on application level can correct all errors. I'm not
sure if these remaining errors are still from loosing packets in
the driver or real reception problems.

I successfully transfered some files up to 75 MB in size without errors
now. This was impossible before.

All I have done so far is to add the following module parameters in
options dvb-ttpci ir_config=0 hw_sections=1 av7110_debug=0 buffers=25

It must be either buffers=25 or hw_sections=1 which make the difference.
When I understand it right, "buffer" only influences the graphics buffer,
so most probably it was "hw_sections=1" which was the default for the
old driver. I thought I had already set this parameter, but the module
name was wrong and the setting was never used.

Tomorrow I will do some more testing and check which one is the real
cause. Today its too late and it takes about an hour for one complete
test loop.

dvb_net.c could not have been the problem, because all the error counters
of the network interface were 0 and the total RX package count was less than
the number of expected packages, so it must have been some lower layer.

Thank you very much to all for your help. You led my to the right way.


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