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[linux-dvb] Re: latest mythtv CVS & DEC 2000-t: kernel panic


Have you tried using the MythTV-0.13-r1 gentoo ebuild?

To get dvb support to compile you need to edit the ebuild and remove the '#' to uncomment out the dvb lines. These were put in as the dvb code failed to compile before v0.13. I've got it to compile fine. It can take a while especially if you need to recomplile QT with mysql support. 

I then ran mythsetup to setup the backend and if the dvb support has compiled ok,  when you select the 'digital broadcasting device card' in catpure cards it should show 'Technotrend / Hauppauge dec2000-t frontend' 

I then selected a 'United Kingdom' video sources and gave it a name of 'freeview'. This launches some channel listings download program in the console (annoyingly hidden by the fullscreen setup screen). I then associate the video listings to the capture card in the input connections. I run the mythfilldatabase to 'populate the database with channel information'. I then start the backend and load the frontend. This then tells me that it can't find any channels so when I try and view any tv I just see a black screen. I've never found out how to add my channels to the dvb-channels in the mysql settings. I've never used mysql so I don't know how to do this manually.

I don't get any seg-faults or kernel panics or lockups.

This is the command line output from the backend:

Starting up as the master server.
2004-01-05 13:39:04 DVB#0 Using DVB card 0, with frontend TechnoTrend/Hauppauge DEC2000-t Frontend.
2004-01-05 13:39:04 DVB#0 ERROR - Could not find dvb tuning parameters for channel 3 with id 9041.
2004-01-05 13:39:04 DVB#0 ERROR - Failed to get channel options for channel 3.
2004-01-05 13:39:04 Enabled verbose msgs : important general
2004-01-05 13:39:06 Found changes in the todo list.

Do you get a different output when you start  mythbackend?

This is why I gave up on mythtv.

Any help would be appreciated,



On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 12:00:16 +0000
Des Herriott <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Here's a puzzler.  A combination of the very latest CVS of MythTV (as of 
> a couple of days ago) and the DEC2000-t USB driver causes a complete 
> system lockup (i.e. I can't even ping the machine remotely)
> The problem occurs when I try to watch live TV.  Initially I thought it 
> was a mythfrontend problem, but I then tried a remote frontend, and the 
> backend host crashes, every time.
> I can reproduce this reliably with a 2.4.23-epia kernel running on EPIA 
> M-10000, and also a standard Gentoo 2.4.22 kernel running on a Athlon 
> 2600+ box.
> If I'm not running the frontend on the same host, I see some kernel 
> panic type messages appear on the screen, but I haven't been able to 
> capture anything yet before they scroll away, followed by a load of 
> "__alloc_pages: 0-order allocation failed: gfp=0x20/0" messages.  (If 
> the front end is running on the same host, it blanks the screen and I 
> don't get to see anything at all)
> The problem also seems specific to MythTV - using tzap and mplayer/xine 
> to view /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 still works fine.
> Sorry I can't be more informative right now; what I'll try to do next is 
> get some info on what's changed with the DVB code in mythbackend - I can 
> only guess that there's something new in there which is tickling a bug 
> in the dec2000-t driver code.
> Also, I'd be very interested to hear from anyone else who's tried the 
> latest Myth code with any DVB device, not just the DEC2000-t.  Maybe 
> it's not a device-specific problem.
> -- 
> Des Herriott
> -- 
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Stefan Weidt
Chemical Physics 5MX
Edinburgh University
ICQ: 37376819

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