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[linux-dvb] Re: ntuxplayer

I have in my /etc/rc.local a command line that starts my playlist at bootup. There, ntuxplayer takes 99%. I comment out the playlist line in my rc.local and reboot.

I start my playlist manually, and it takes only from 0.7% to 3% max. I don't understand.

I have found where the problem comes from. But I don't know how to fix this.

/etc/rc.local contains 2 lines like : & & contains 'ntuxplayer -d 0 foo0.mpg'. contains 'ntuxplayer -d 1 foo1.mpg'.

When " &" is launched with a "&", I get 99% CPU load. When I launch without the "&" everything's fine. But the problem is that I can't play at the same time if I don't that "&".

I know this is a little off topic. It's more a linux problem I guess. With anychance, someone has maybe already seen that effect ? I think it's weired...

I coudln't find how to fix this. You guys with full feature cards can please test this to see it you have the same symptoms ? Add a "&" when executing the file.

Also, what's the difference with :
ntuxplayer -d 0 foo.mpg
ntuxplayer --device 0 foo.mpg
ntuxplayer --adaptor 0 foo.mpg

When I try reading on the 2nd board with `ntuxplayer -d 1 foo.mpg` it tells me the device is busy. It's trying to read on the 1st one. So now I'm using :
ntuxplayer --adaptor 0 foo.mpg
ntuxplayer --adaptor 1 foo.mpg

Also, I have been doing maraton video. For some reason, sometimes (after a few hours) the video gets stuck. Apparently, it's not the board that has a problem (no frezze or hung), it's the ntuxplayer I think. So to make it going again, I have to kill PID (witch is the ntuxplayer line), and my will continu going on with the next video, and it runs again for hours... until it gets stuck again.

Any ideas ?

Best regards,
Alexandre CONRAD - TLV
Research & Development
tel : +33 1 30 80 55 05
fax : +33 1 30 56 55 06
6, rue de la plaine

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