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[linux-dvb] Re: mplayer playback through dvb takes 100% cpu time

Hello Soeren,

I'm currently investigating this problem.

I have inserted some debugging output into the dvb driver, but it did not reveal any problems. So I think it's an sync issue of mplayer. (see below)

On 03.01.2004 22:33, Soeren Sonnenburg schrieb:
I noticed a weirdness with mplayer and -vo mpegpes playback. If I don't
also use -ao mpegpes the CPU load goes up to 100% instead of like 10%,
i.e. both
mplayer -ao mpegpes -vo mpegpes <file>
and mplayer -nosound -vo mpegpes <file>
both take like 10% CPU but,
mplayer -ao null -vo mpegpes <file>
mplayer -ao alsa9 -vo mpegpes <file>

eat up all CPU there is but plays (of course gives frame drops)
I think one important thing is "-nosound".

While "-ao null" is a valid "sound device" which "consumes" the sound with a defined rate (just like -ao alsa9), "-nosound" simply disables sound output and uses some constants to skip audio inside mplayer.c.

Perhaps there is a problem that "-vo mpegpes" needs the raw PES data, but "-ao null" or "-ao alsa9" need the decoded PCM audio, and so decoding and timing the output are severly messed up.

Perhaps some of the mplayer developers can comment on this. In the meanwhile, I'm going to profile mplayer and the kernel in order to see where the 50% in-kernel time is actually spent.

Any help is appreciated...


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