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[linux-dvb] Re: grabbing with transcode...

Hello Stephan,

I took the CVS of today and build it against a vanilla 2.4.24

I'd like to grab with transcode (don't ask me for the deep sense of doing this, but it is a kind of filtering I have to do, and the Real Producer - which I have not decided to use - has the same problems) with the following line:

transcode -i /dev/video -o mytest.mpg -x v4l -y raw

transcode segfaults, in syslog I find the following (see below...)

I suppose it is a matter of a not 100% working v4l1 compat mode, am I wrong or is there anything I can do there?
It was indeed a bug in v4l1-compat.c where a NULL pointer was passed instead of an argument. All other drivers did not use this parameter, but I at least tried to print it out when debugging messages were enabled.

Because of this, this bug was only visible when the saa7146 module was loaded with debugging enabled and an old v4l1 app tried to capture through v4l1 compat.

Please tell me if this fixed your problems with transcode.


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