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[linux-dvb] Nova and OpenSky

Hi all!
    I'm trying to receive from OpenSky, Eutelsat 7E, 11262 with a
I was using 2.6.1 kernel drivers without problems with many apps like
dvbstream for audio/video and dvbsnoop to analyze the stream but ethernet
interface was giving me problems, no packets and just to add and to remove
dvb0_0 with dvbnet was enough to give oops.
I put a 2.4.22 and current dvb drivers cvs and now i have no problems to add
and remove the interfaces but still can't see any network traffic.
I let run "szap OpenSky", where OpenSky in channels.conf is
Then "dvbnet -p 2001" and interface is created, i configure it with
"ifconfig dvb0_0 hw ether 01:00:5E:03:00:05 up" and at this command dmesg
dvb_net_feed_start: rx_mode 0
dvb_net_feed_start: alloc secfeed
dvb_net_feed_start: set secfilter
dvb0_0: filter mac=01 00 5e 03 00 05
dvb0_0: filter mask=ff ff ff ff ff ff
dvb_net_feed_start: start filtering
dvb_net_feed_stop: stop secfeed
dvb_net_feed_stop: release secfilter
dvb_net_feed_start: rx_mode 0
dvb_net_feed_start: alloc secfeed
dvb_net_feed_start: set secfilter
dvb0_0: filter mac=01 00 5e 03 00 05
dvb0_0: filter mask=ff ff ff ff ff ff
dvb_net_feed_start: start filtering

but no packet is coming, any idea?

 TIA, bye,
    Lorenzo Pallara

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