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[linux-dvb] How to tune to channels via the CAM module?

	Subject: [linux-dvb] Re: Activation of a card via Nexus+VDR - Possible?
	Date: ven, feb 06, 2004 at 04:26:40 +0100

Quoting Andreas Share (

> this could be only a problem with you CICAM, because neither vdr or the
> driver touch anything in the stream you need for activation. Only if your
> CICAM is not supported by vdr the card could not be activated.
> If your provider is PREMIERE, and you use an older Irdeto 4.6/4.7/4.8 SE or
> an Alphacrypt CI with firmware < 2.02, then you must update your

Umm umm. Should not be the case: I bought the CICAM card expecially
for this use. It is a brand new AstonCrypt V1.05 (SECA), and the
service is CanaalNederland (the Netherlands).

I have had the card activated again at the shop, and this is confirmed
from the card's menu. But I still see no output for those encrypted
channels that I should be able to see.

I try with both vdr and the utilities that are included in
libdvb. With vdr I do not know what to write into the CA field of the
channel description. If I put 0, the screen remains black (for the
encrypted channels). I wanted to be sure that there would be a
communication to the card, so I added a printout in 


For example, if I want to tune to SBS6 (on Astra, 12574 MHz, Hor,
SR 22000, video PID 514, audio PID 80, SID 5005), the following bytes
are sent to the CA:

0000: 03 13 8d 01 00 14 01 09 11 01 00 e6 41 00 6a ff 
0016: 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 04 1c 46 00 02 02 00 00 00 
0032: 00 50 00 00 

(the first byte is CPLM_ONLY)

But then, nothing happens... 
I also tried with cam_test and cam_set. If cam_test is started as

./cam_test -q 12574000 -l H -r 22000000 -i 5005 -s

I get as output:

Warning: TP already defined:
ID: 1  SATID: 1
Channel: SBS6 apid: 0x50 vpid: 0x202 ttpid: 0x20
CAM Test: 0x138d 0x202 0x50 0x0 0xffff 0x6
CAM Test: 0x138d 0x202 0x50 0x0 0xffff 0x6
CAM Test: 0x138d 0x202 0x50 0x0 0xffff 0x13

and I see the following bytes are passed to the card:

0000: 01 01 a0 32 01 90 02 00 03 9f 80 32 29 03 13 8d 
0016: 01 00 14 01 09 11 01 00 e6 41 00 6a ff 00 00 00
0032: 00 00 00 02 04 1c 46 00 02 02 00 00 00 00 50 00 
0048: 00 00 ff ff 00 00

(this is the complete message, which contains the bytes shown above),
but I see nothing happening after that, too. There is no output to the
V4L port, and if I use the -o flag to cam_test, the stream I receive
is still encrypted.

So my question is: what is the correct procedure for tuning channels
that must be decrypted by the CAM module? Where will the decrypted
mpeg stream be found?

I am copying Klaus, the author of the CI software. I hope you do not
get upset... There is so little information around on these topics. ...!

Thanks in advance, again


  *         Se la Strada e la sua Virtu' non fossero state messe da parte,
* K * Carlo E. Prelz -             che bisogno ci sarebbe
  *               di parlare tanto di amore e di rettitudine? (Chuang-Tzu)

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