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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: AW: VDR -> DVD


On Tuesday 18 June 2002 09:02, Bläser, Lars wrote:


> that does not mean that its impossible, philips is doing that with its

of course, its doable. A good start would be some library routines that take 
PCI/DSI structs as defined by libdvdread and convert them into the normal 
binary layout of a NAV packet. That should actually be quite simple (almost 
no effort at all). Next step would be to define the content of an IFO without 
haveing to care about all the inter-relations in it. If you look closely at 
libdvdread and the various dvd information, you will notice that a couple of 
structures a reachable via multiple references. It would be a real pain in 
the ass, if you had to care about getting all those references rigth 

The rest should be easy. A live DVB stream could be cached in a fifo for upto 
120sec to get all the references right. .IFO's are relativly small compared 
to the .VOB. One could simply construct the IFO in memory and write it out to 
disk after the recoding has finished. Even the size of an IFO should be a 
relativly linear function of recording time.

> DVD+RW/+R video-recorder surely they hade to mumble a view spells before it
> worked - but it shows that it is possible tested it myself with a DVD1000,
> made a record and took the DVD+RW out, put it in my DVD player, all ok it´s
> much more complicate then a iso cdr but i think up to end this year we will
> see the first free stanalone dvd-authoring software - and after that the
> transferplugin (copys a recording within the cutting marks to DVD +/- R/RW)
> will be possible (still unsolved is the errorcorection of the streams, as
> long as pvastrumento is closed-nonlinux code it makes things worse)

I have to admit to not following the discussion about remuxing DVB recordings 
for use on DVD's. Could you give an overview on why postprocessing via 
pvainstrumento is needed? Sure, maximum size of PES packets on DVD is 2048, 
but getting that right is almost trivial. The biggest problem i could see, is 
keeping the datarate constant and within certain limits (a bit less than 
10Mbit/s). I not sure, but don't use DVB broadcasts usualy less than that?

Andreas Schultz <>
Student of computer science

"In accordance with plans for Linux OS world domination
      infiltration of governments is vital (:-))."

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