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[vdr] Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: vdr2divx 1.5.3 is out

Is it just me who gets a bunch of old messages again ?
Deja Vu ? ;-)

Listmaster: Could you please fix this ?

Matthias Biel wrote (twice):
> Gregoire Favre wrote:
>> Could someone tell me which mplayer version I should take, or even 
>> better,
>> has someone vdr2divx script that work with latest CVS mplayer?
> The newer versions of mencoder require the specification of a libavcodec.
> I changed the line
> ENCOPT= $3
> to
> ENCOPT="-lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4" $3
> An other question:
> mencoder does not seem to use the bitrate that was computed by the 
> script. Instead it uses a much smaller bit rate.
> Did any one else observe this too ? I'll supply more detailed 
> information on this later.
> Matthias

with best regards
Karsten Mueller
Softwaredevelopment / Keyaccount Manager
RATIO Entwicklungen GmbH
Phone :+49-(0)40-369007-0         Admiralitaetstr. 59
Fax:   +49-(0)40-369007-75        20459 Hamburg

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